Package: DataSetsUni 0.1

DataSetsUni: A Collection of Univariate Data Sets

A collection of widely used univariate data sets of various applied domains on applications of distribution theory. The functions allow researchers and practitioners to quickly, easily, and efficiently access and use these data sets. The data are related to different applied domains and as follows: Bio-medical, survival analysis, medicine, reliability analysis, hydrology, actuarial science, operational research, meteorology, extreme values, quality control, engineering, finance, sports and economics. The total 100 data sets are documented along with associated references for further details and uses.

Authors:Muhammad Imran [aut, cre], M.H Tahir [ctb], Farrukh Jamal [ctb]

DataSetsUni.pdf |DataSetsUni.html
DataSetsUni/json (API)

# Install 'DataSetsUni' in R:
install.packages('DataSetsUni', repos = c('', ''))



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A collection of widely used univariate data setsDataSetsUni-package
The monthly actual taxes revenue in Egyptdata_Taxes
The mortality of retired peopledata_actuarialm
The survival times of 73 patients with acute bone cancerdata_acutebcancer
Survival times of patients suffering from acute myelogenousdata_Myelogenous
The data set consists of the failure times of the air conditioning system of an airplane (in hours)data_acfailure
The unit interval data set consists of the failure times of the air conditioning system of an airplane (in hours)data_acfailureunit
The data represents the daily ozone measurements in New York, May–September 1973data_airpollution
Variations in airborne exposure on the concentration of urinary metabolitesdata_airborne
The measurements by the analysis of video tapesdata_videotapes
The data represents the ordered annual maximum antecedent rainfall claimdata_rainfall
Annual maximum temperatures at Oxford and Worthingdata_AnnualMaxT
Annual water level behind the high dam during the flood timedata_floodtime
The annual wheat yield data set consists of annual yield for the period from 1951 to 2010.data_annualyld
The data consists of 50 individuals with arthritis relief timedata_arthritis
A test on the endurance of deep groove ball bearingsdata_blbearing
The data represent the Bitcoin exchange ratesdata_Bitcoin
The remission times of 128 patients suffering from bladder cancerdata_bldercancer
The life time of 40 blood cancer (leukemia) patientsdata_bloodcancer
The breakdown times of electrical insulating fluiddata_breakdown
The breaking stress of carbon fibresdata_carfibres
The data represents the 242 breast cancer patientsdata_brcancer
The data set consists of 300 lifetime of the breast cancer patientsdata_breastcancer
The data represents the survival times of 121 patients with breast cancerdata_breastcan
The data based on the mortality rates of COVID-19 in Canadadata_mortalityCan
The breaking stress of carbon fibersdata_carbonf
Survival times of 46 patients given chemotherapy treatmentdata_chemotherapy
The data represents the intervals in days between 109 successive coal mining disastersdata_coalmin
Time to failure of an electronic componentdata_electronicf
The data represents the incidence rate per every 10,000 inhabitants affected by COVID-19, with and without symptomsdata_COVID19Chile
The daily fatality confirmed cases attributable to COVID-19data_COVIDfat
The data set represents mortality rate due to COVID-19 from 3 November 2021 to 11 November 2021 in Francedata_COVIDFrance
The mortality rate of the COVID-19 infected persons in Hollanddata_COVID19MH
COVID-19 mortality rate of Saudi Arabiadata_COVIDmor
Daily new deaths caused by COVID-19 in the UKdata_COVIDDeath
The recovery rates of COVID-19 patients in Spaindata_RR
The failure time of cutting layers machinedata_failuretc
The times of breakdown of a sample of 25 devicesdata_breakdownt
The survival times of diabetes patientsdata_dpatients
Drilling of holes having a diameter of 12mm and thickness of sheet 3.15mmdata_drilling
The data set represent the Ethereum exchange ratesdata_Ethereumer
The failure and run times from a sample of 30 devicesdata_runtimes
The failure times of 84 Aircraft Windshielddata_windshieldf
The failures times of repairable itemsdata_repairable
The data consists of COVID-19 fatality rates in Saudi Arabiadata_morCOVID
The data consists of COVID-19 falality rates of Saudi Arabiadata_fatCOVID
Annual flood discharges (in units of 1000 cubic feet per second)data_flood
This data set represents 72 excrescences of flood peaksdata_floodpeak
The data set represents the food and drink wholesaling in the United Kingdomdata_wholesale
The dataset represents the food chain in the United Kingdom from 2000 to 2019data_foodchain
The data represents the fracture toughness MPa m1/2 data from the material Aluminadata_fracture
The survival times of guinea pigs infecteddata_guineapigs
Survival time of patients diagnosed with Head and neck cancerdata_hdneckcancer
The average annual percent change in private health insurancedata_healthinsur
The dataset is based on 50 observations of holes having a diameter of 9mmdata_drillingh
The survival times of hypertension patientsdata_hpatients
The database extracted from an image of Foulum (Denmark)data_image
The data represents the incidence rate per 10,000 inhabitants affected by the virus without symptoms during the second quarter of 2020data_COVIDChile
The data represents the minimum insurance claimdata_insurclaim
The data set consists of times to infection of kidney dialysis patients in monthsdata_kidney
The unit intervel data set consists of times to infection of kidney dialysis patients in monthsdata_kidneyunit
The phosphorus concentration in the leavesdata_leaves
The survival times of 40 patients suffering from leukemiadata_leukemia
Data consists of 30 observations of the March precipitationdata_MPrecipitation
The maximum flood level for the Susquehanna River at Harrisburg, Pennsylvaniadata_floodSus
COVID-19 mortality rates in Mexicodata_MorR
The overall yield production of 107 cows at first birthdata_Milkp
The data set consists of natural increase rates for the period from 1951 to 2010data_increaserate
The data set represents the unemployment claims from July 2008 to Aprildata_insurun
computation time of P3 algorithmsdata_P3
The relief times for patients receiving an analgesicdata_analgesic
The data presents the permeability measured in millidarciesdata_permeability
The data set represents the petroleum rock samples from a petroleum reservoirdata_petroleum
The data represents polished window strengthdata_airplanewin
The annual maximum precipitation for one rain gaugedata_precipitation
The data set consists of 150 observations and is related to the Reddit advertisingdata_reddit
The relief times of patients receiving an analgesicdata_relieftime
The remission time of 128 bladder cancer patientsdata_Bcancer
Computation time of SC16 algorithmsdata_SC16
The service times of 63 aircraft windshieldsdata_windshields
The number of shocks before failuredata_shocks
COVID-19 mortality rates in Somaliadata_RateMor
The data set consists of stream flow amounts (1000 acre-feet) for 35 yeardata_streamflow
The data consists of 63 observations of strength of glass fibersdata_glassf
Life testing of 40 items with change in stressdata_Stress
The data set represents the time intervals of the successive earthquakesdata_earthquakes
The successive failures of air conditioning systems of airplanesdata_failureairc
The data represents 102 male and 100 female athletes collected at the Australian Institute of Sportsdata_skinfolds
The data represents the survival time of animalsdata_animals
The data represents the taxes revenuedata_taxrevenue
The tensile strength for single carbon fibresdata_tstrength
Times to each patient's third violation (V3) in ICU for varying periodsdata_ICU
Time to failure of kevlar 49/epoxy strands tested at various stress levelsdata_Kevlar
The data represents the prices of the 31 different children’s wooden toys on sale in a Suffolk craft shop in April 1991data_toysprice
The mortality rate of COVID-19 patients in the United Kingdomdata_mortalityUK
The data set represents the unemployment claims from July 2008 to Aprildata_insuranceun
The complaints upheld against vehicle insurance firmsdata_vehicleinsur
The data represent vinyl chloride used for monitoring wells in mg/Ldata_vinyl
Bank waiting times before the customers receive their servicesdata_waitingtime
The data set waiting time of 100 bank customersdata_bank
The losses due to wind catastrophes recorded in 1977data_Losses